Friday, March 27, 2009


My blog is about all sorts of biking from types of bikes, bike parts biking like downhill, dirt jumping street riding. I'm talking about everything. First what i want to talk about is what's up with the new Norcos. I don't know why they went with the weird looking frames. Why didn't they just stick with the old style frames. Like the A-line, I think the way they shouldn't have changed the frames.


  1. Have you heard or read any explanation of why Norco changed the frame? Does the new frame have more suspension? I don't understand your last sentence... What about the A-line?

    ~Ms. Gillis

  2. The new a-lines looks like a totally different bike, and it also looks like the Norco Shore 3. Which is a completely different style of frame and size of bike then the A-line.
